Tuesday, March 18, 2008


One of the girls on my hockey team has this side gig... professional wrestler!!! My friend QweenB and I have seen her wrestle twice now, but this past Sunday night was by far the best. There was a group of us from our team who decided to go check it out. There are so many best parts about this: 
1. It's in the back room of this cheesy bar in Golden. 

2. Amy... aka Little Woodie, is the only girl who wrestles in this show, so she always gets some looser guy to go up against. 

3. It's total family night... there are kids from 2-16 and they are all into it... there was this little girl about 10 heckling this wrestler, and he retorted with some comment about her training bra  and then continued on with his rant.  (I think in my professional life, I'm supposed to report this to Social Services, but it seemed all in good fun at the time.) 

4. The heckling... one of the girls in our group commented, "This is great. You get to yell out all of the things you always wanted to say, but just couldn't." I'm pretty outspoken anyway, so for me this wasn't as big of a deal, I just got to say it a lot louder. And much to my husband's chagrin, I was caught on video yelling many unpleasantries at the looser taking advantage of Little Woodie. Funny how he was able to pick my voice up right off that video. 

5. Every time I go watch her, I'm reminded of how my brother used to practice his latest WWF moves on me when I was younger. He's 10 years older than me, about a foot taller and at that time, probably a good 75 lbs heavier. The pain of having my arm twisted behind my back, the gasping for air as he would drop me over his knee, the body slams... All the while saying, "What's wrong with you? Don't be a wuss! This will toughen you up! Someday, you'll thank me!" No Thanks!!! Not what I call a good time. But, Little Woodie seems to really enjoy it, so more power to her. I think I'll just keep taking my aggression out on the ice. 

The next match is April 13th and I'm already trying to round up some more folks to come join us. It's like a bad train wreck. You just can't stop watching. 

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

Our defenseman rocks, I wouldn't have taken one in the kisser from that bad suit guy like she did.