Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break... Here I Come

Finally, it seemed like it would never arrive, but alas, Spring Break '08 is here!!! 

This has been a really tough year, because I didn't REALLY want to teach again this year. I finished my Principal License Program in Dec. '06 and was ready for the next step last spring, but my mother-in-law became very sick. I didn't want to make a career change with such uncertainty in the future, so I decided I would spend one more year with the GT kids. Unfortunately, she passed away in May and last summer was CRAZY cleaning up her place and trying to get things in order... I'll post about that at some other point. 

Anyway, for Winter Break, Honey and I went to Mazatlan to visit his dad and dad's girlfriend. We are REALLY lucky!!! They purchased a house on the beach there 3 years ago, so we always have this great place in Mexico to go whenever we want. So, it was kind of like a vacation, but we were still dealing with a lot of stuff from his mom, so we spent most of that week just trying to catch up on sleep and reconnect with one another. 

So now Spring Break is here... The best part is that I really have nothing planned. We have a second playoff game on my co-ed team, the Monkeys are playing their next to last game of the season, I have a couple of lunch dates with girlfriends planned, and I want to get in some spring skiing, but other than that, it's going to be 10 glorious days of just doing whatever I feel like!


GETkristiLOVE said...

Two words: Ho and Ray!

Unknown said...

We still have 2 weeks and high stakes teskts until break.

Unknown said...

I'll add you to my blogroll.

Unknown said...

I also memed you. Check out my blog to see it.