Thursday, March 13, 2008

Here It Is...

Okay... I've been trying to start this blog for about a year now... but this time last year, my life kind of went topsy-turvy and now, time has flown by. I have several friends who Blog (See:Two Minutes... and QweenB) and enjoy reading what they have to say, as well as the other people's Blogs they read, and so now that things are settling a bit, I think I'm finally ready. 
In January, I set up a Blog account for my students for our unit on tolerance. We were reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, and I wanted them to be able to post their thoughts and views about what were studying. Many of my students have really gotten into this study, but the ones I was hoping would be affected, ended up not reading the last set of books I chose. They said they were tired of reading depressing books, and wanted something that was not so heavy. See, I have 20 boys and 7 girls in my class. 5 of the 7 girls are MEAN!!! They pick on and bully the other 2 girls, only because the other 2 girls are REALLY smart and truly belong in my class. I wanted these 5 girls to see what effect they were having on the others. I think they were starting to make the connection, and decided they didn't like what they saw. 

I was not bullied when I was in school. Actually, I think was a bully. I have an older brother who used to beat the crap out of me on a daily basis, and my older sister broke my nose when I was 15, so I'm sure I took it out on some of the kids at school. Now don't get me wrong... I'm pretty short and have been small most of my life. But as the name of my Blog suggests, I can pack quite a punch. The name "Bug O' Death" was given to me most affectionately by one of my teammates on my hockey team, as I was nailing some poor unexpected girl into the boards, and stealing the puck. 

So I know it sounds like I'm talking out of both sides of my ass... I don't want the girls in my class to be bullies, yet I'm pretty much a bully, especially on the ice, but I'm older and know fully well the consequences of my actions... usually 2 minutes in the box:) 

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

Hey Two Minutes in the Box is a great place to be... repeatedly.