Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Name is Not Chris...

I've been practicing yoga for about 2 years now, and in January, I switched studios to one closer to my work. I haven't been able to go as regularly as I would like, but I try to get there every Tuesday and Wednesday when I can. I noticed last week that the teacher thinks my name is Chris. I don't want to correct her in the middle of class, and I haven't had a chance to tell her what my name is before or after class, but it's really starting to "bug" me. 

First of all, we have to sign in at class, and there isn't anyone in our class whose name is Chris, so I don't know how she came up with that name. Second, I have a punch-card with my name on it that I leave out on the counter for her to punch after class, and again, no one else has a card with the name Chris on it. Isn't she matching the sign-in names with the punch-card names???

Anyway, it's quite the dilemma because I've let it go for so long that it almost seems awkward to correct it now. 

I've also thought about how I could have this whole secret identity at yoga... the secret life of Chris, but I just can't see it coming to fruition. I don't really look like a Chris, and it's hard enough just to keep up with my own "real" life, to make up a different one and try to keep it straight. So I think at an appropriate time I'll just tell her to call me Bug. 


GETkristiLOVE said...

Well it does have the same number of letters as your name and starts with the same letter. Maybe that's how it came about. But yeah, ask for Bug, that's a good diversion.

And I hate it when people call me Kris. Only my brother calls me that, because he's the one person I could never beat up.

Unknown said...

I tagged you. I hope you have fun with it.