Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Has Sprung...

Since last weekend was spent playing hockey, I decided this weekend I would spend time getting my house and yard back together. Many people would call this spring cleaning, but I know for me, this will happen, not just this once, but several times throughout the next 5 months.

After attempting the 2.5 hour workout at Red Rocks, Honey and I set out to repair the dog run. Some of the weed block was torn and weeds were beginning to poke their heads through, so we removed the pea-gravel, laid new weed block and returned the gravel. 

Next, it was on to the patio. 3 years ago, we built a 400 square foot patio out of flagstone. We experimented with different types of thyme to plant in between the stones. What we have discovered is that the woolly thyme and lemon thyme grow to bushy and out of control, so we started digging it up and left the creeping thyme to perform its magic. 

On Sunday, we tackled the gardens and weeds that have already started to take root, even though we had snow on Thursday. 

In the front yard, I have a typical perennial garden with iris, day lilies, columbine, and Hyacinth. 

In the back, along the east fence is my vegetable garden. It's still too early to plant the things I like to eat, i.e. tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and basil, but I got the soil ready for when the last frost has past. 

Along our south fence is more perennials. They are starting to sprout their green leaves, but it will be a few more weeks before any blossoms start to show.

Along the west fence is my rose garden. We have a variety of regular red short stem, but my favorite are the miniature ones that I have received as gifts from students and friends over the years. Every year I continue to be amazed that they survive the cold and snow. 

So the gardens, patio and dog run are good to go... if I could just get the lawn guy over to cut and trim the grass, all would be good. 

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

We're going to attempt to re-do our outside areas - most importantly, the patio. We are still recovering from the remodel so it probably won't be until next summer, but I'll be asking for your advice when we do. I love yours!