Sunday, April 6, 2008

Politics In The Workplace...

Since this school year started, I knew it would probably be my last in the classroom. I finished schooling for my Principal's license in December '06, and  now I really want a chance at being an Administrator. 

The problem in our district is this... we are the largest school district in Colorado, third largest in the US, and we don't have very many elementary schools with AP (assistant principal) positions. We have 116 elementary schools in the district, and only about 12 of them have APs. So knowing this, I took an opportunity to do some intern work at a Middle School this year (all Middle Schools have at least 1 AP and some have 2). So once or twice I month, I take a personal day (my own time) and go "work" at this Middle School, which has the same number of students my elementary school, and has and 2 APs. I do everything the other APs at this school do, i.e. lunch duty, discipline, plan professional development, etc... 

So, a few weeks ago,  this position at another Middle School came open and of course I applied. Two people in our district who are well respected and in "high-up" positions called the principal at this school and told him about me. They both thought I would be a great fit for this job, and the least he could do was give me an interview. I even emailed the principal and asked if I could come by and visit with him, just to see if it might be a good fit. Well, I never heard back from the MAN in response to my email, and my principal told me on Friday, they would be doing interviews for this job on Monday, as in tomorrow!!! REALLY??? You couldn't even grant me an interview??? At least give me the opportunity to show you what I can do!!! 

In addition, I was told on Friday, that the district is going to place this LOSER AP from a different Middle School at our school next year (we are eligible for a .5 AP next year) so he can gain some elementary experience. He will work part time at our school and part time at the school is currently at. My principal was told that this is his last chance. He's totally screwed up some things at his current school and they think it might be easier for him if he were in an elementary school. 

OMG!!! EASIER!!! That is frickin' ludicrous!!! There are 7 grades in our elementary school, and students make the greatest gains in their learning during these years. In addition, we have 6 Gifted and Talented classes, which is like having a school within a school. These parents are in and out of our office daily, with such demands, it's going to make this LOSER want to crawl into a corner and cry like a little girl!!!

This is the conclusion I have come to... people don't want to hire people who are better than they are, especially in positions that are below them, because they are afraid the better person will make them look bad... REALITY... yes, I might make you look bad, but not intentionally... if anything I will make you look GREAT, and let YOU take all the credit for it!!!


Unknown said...

Education has no way of setting lose the bad apples. I sure hope you find what you want.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Why don't they split up the district if it's that big, or is it a good thing? 116 elementary schools seems unmanageable to me, but what do I know?