Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Reason...

I am one of those people who believe ALL things happen for a reason. I have experienced this time and time again, so I know that this is true, however, there is a problem with this belief. The problem comes from being patient enough to find out what the reason is. 

I interviewed for another AP job last week, and didn't get this one either. Apparently I was the second choice, which I'm taking as progress, due to the fact that there were over 60 applicants for this position. The good news is that there are several other opportunities out there, so I haven't resigned to returning to the classroom next year, just yet. 

Patience isn't one of my strengths, but I know that I'll be happy regardless of what the next few months brings. 


GETkristiLOVE said...

Patience isn't one of my strengths either. I could barely wait to read the story before I commented that anyone that doesn't hire you is a complete idjut!

Unknown said...

Eventually, you'll find your fit. I know that several of our APs are unhappy. Hopefully patience and timing will go your way.