Sunday, June 29, 2008

June Is Almost Over...

I can't believe the month of June is almost over... I've only posted one other blog this month... Hard to believe how fast time flys. 

I won't bore you with the nitty-gritty details of the events of the past month, but would like to highlight a few of the more important ones: 

First... I had two more interviews for AP jobs... no luck... looks like I'll be back in the classroom come August 6th. 

Second... I just returned on Wednesday from a week in Mazatlan with my Principal, Blanca, and my BFF, Julia. 
We had a GREAT time. The weather was perfect, which is hard to believe this time of year. Usually it is too hot for my liking, but it was actually quite bearable this go around. Here is a picture I took of myself while on the beach: 
Third, and probably my greatest accomplishment for the month of June was climbing my first 14ner!!! As many of you know, GKL is quite the accomplished mountain climber. Well, she was down to climbing her last of Colorado's 54 high peaks, and invited a group to go along with her to celebrate. The event consisted of a 5 mile bike ride in preparation for the climb to the 14, 264 ft summit. 
I can easily see why folks get addicted to climbing. It was such an exhilarating feeling once we reached the top. I can't wait to do my next one. The next best part was that Honey and our 10 year old Golden Retriever, Tybee, joined us the top for the celebration. 


Unknown said...

Congrats on your climb and hope you have a great summer.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Great to have you along Bug, and great to see Tybee and your honey! We should go do another one soon!