Friday, August 29, 2008

Girls Are Smarter Than Boys...

It's hard to believe that it is just now Labor Day Weekend, and I've already been back at with kiddos for 3-weeks. This year I have the exact opposite of my class from last year... I have 16 girls and 6 boys in my GT class. The one thing I've noticed with so many girls is that I have to plan 3 times more assignments, activities and opportunities for learning than I ever have before. 

When I first started teaching GT a few years ago, the amount of planning required was my biggest challenge. Now, with the majority of students being girls, I am finding I have to plan even more than I did back then. 

Girls tend to be much more chatty than boys, but when it comes to working and studying, they are very focused and motivated. It's been fun to watch the girls bring the boys along these passed few weeks. You can literally watch them walk over to where the boys are working, get in with them, and help them figure things out. I love their confidence in answering difficult questions, and their willingness to take risks in putting ideas out there. 

I'm glad that I got the opportunity to teach this group of students this year. Things definitely turned out the way they were supposed to. 


Unknown said...

I am glad that your year has started out well. I am teaching an on level class and they seem like geniuses compared to the remedial kids I have been teaching which does not mean I don't love teaching those kids.

QweenB said...

We ARE smarter because boys are DUMB! Dumb boys.