Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Back...

It's been awhile since I've blogged. A lot has happened in the past 4 months. Most important, Obama won the election and will be inaugurated on Tuesday. I really think our country is about see some much needed changes in the way it conducts politics. 

My part-time assistant principal/part-time teacher job has turned out to be 2 full-time jobs, which has been the reason I haven't blogged. I love my AP job, and really hope it will lead to something full-time for next year. One of the great outcomes of this situation is that I have been able to rekindle a friendship with my teammate from a few years back. She teaches the literacy and social studies content to the students in the morning, while I teach them math and science in the afternoon. It is really great to be working together again!

Hockey season started up again in October, and although we haven't lost every game (like last year), we aren't doing quite as well as I had hoped... on my co-ed team, or my women's team. I'm continuing to take lessons every week, and feel that as a player, my abilities are improving, but things just aren't clicking with the teams as a whole. I get a sense that both teams are just waiting for the playoffs, because really in the end, that's where it matters. 

Another change 2009 will hopefully bring is a new home. We finally settled my mother-in-law's estate (it only took a year and half) and we will begin working on her house in a few months, with hopes of living there by the end of the year. I anticipate the majority of my blog posts being about the progress of this project. The architect is making plans for the addition and remodel on the existing house, as well as for the development of the vacant corner acre we inherited. We are hoping to build 3 houses on the land, and sell them, once the housing market turns around. 

At least today, from where I'm sitting, 2009 looks to bring a lot of good things our way... only time will tell!


GETkristiLOVE said...

Ooohhh... are you going to remodel it or just fix it up, or what? Let me know if you want any decorating advice. :)

Unknown said...

Glad you are back.